8 Best Fungicide for Cedar Apple Rust 2022 [Reviews & Guide]

You know;

Cedar apple rust is a fungal disease and it is most destructive for eastern red cedar, juniper, apple, crabapple, hawthorn, serviceberry, and other Cupressaceae and Rosaceae family plants.

The cedar-apple rust disease causes serious damage to the plants if you take any actions to get rid of it and you know spraying fungicide is the best rust treatment.

But what is the best fungicide for cedar-apple rust?

In short, the organic or inorganic type of fungicide that contains copper, captain, myclobutanil, Bacillus subtilis, chlorothalonil, or mancozeb as an active ingredient.

For your convenience, Here I listed and reviewed the best fungicide for cedar apple rust.

In a Hurry? Here is the quick recommendation for you that you can pick right now to treat cedar apple rust-

Best Fungicide for Cedar Apple Rust-Comparisons

FungicidesActive IngredientTypePrice
Bonide (BND203) - Fruit Tree SprayCaptanInorganic
Spectracide Immunox FungicideMyclobutanilInorganic
Serenade Garden FungicideBacillus subtilisOrganic
Southern Ag - Liquid FungicideCopperOrganic
Bonide 811 4E FungicideCopperOrganic
Bonide (BND862) - Fungal ControlMancozebInorganic
Daconil Fungicide ConcentrateChlorothalonilInorganic
Dr. Earth 8007 Fungicide Rosemary oil
Clove oil
Peppermint oil

Best Fungicide for Cedar Apple Rust-Reviews

1.Bonide (BND203) – Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate

Bonide (BND203) - Fruit Tree Spray ConcentrateBonide (BND203) – Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate is the most powerful fungicide for cedar apple rust. Also, it can protect the plant from some destructive garden insects.

This fungicide contains 11.76% captan as the active ingredient. Captan is an effective fungicide from the phthalimide class. It can protect the fruits, ornamentals, flowers, and vegetables from fungi by inhibiting their respiration.

It is a non-systemic fungicide that is not absorbed by plants. It can only protect the plant by creating a barrier.

You can apply this fungicide to prevent and treat apple cedar rust. scab, blotch, and other listed diseases.

Plus, this spray concentrate contains 6% Malathion and 0.30% carbaryl. You will be happy to know, malathion and carbaryl act as the insecticides that can kill garden insects including Japanese beetles, moths, caterpillars, and mites.

Bottom line: it is one of the best fungicides for cedar rust on apple, juniper, and cedar trees.

To control cedar apple rust-

Mix 1 ½ -2 ½ tablespoons of concentrate solution into a gallon of water and spray on the foliage of the plants to treat apple cedar rust. Reapply after 7 days and don’t apply within 14 days of harvest.


2.Spectracide 100507462 Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray Concentrate

Spectracide 100507462 Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray ConcentrateHere is the another best cedar apple rust fungicide from Spectracide. Let’s see what inside this fungicide to kill cedar apple rust-

This fungicide contains 1.5% Myclobutanil. Myclobutanil is a triazole fungicide that can kill the fungus by inhibiting ergosterol biosynthesis.

And the fungicide can kill fungal diseases safely including apple cedar rust, black spot, powdery mildew, scab, mold on flowers, vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and nuts.

The best part of this fungicide is; It can’t be wash out if it dries once. That’s why it can protect your plant from fungus up to 2 weeks.

It comes with a concentrated formula. Mix 1-2 tablespoon of fungicide into a gallon of water and spray upper and lower leaves of apple, crabapple, hawthorn, cedar, and other plants to treat rust and other fungal diseases. Reapply after 7-10 days but stop applying before the 14 days of harvest.


3.Serenade Garden AGRSER32 Disease Control Effective Organic Fungicide

Serenade Garden AGRSER32 Disease Control Effective Organic FungicideIf you are looking for the best organic fungicide for cedar apple rust, Serenade Garden AGRSER32 is the right pick for you. It is an OMRI listed organic fungicide that doesn’t contain any inorganic chemicals.

As an active ingredient, it has 1.34% Bacillus subtilis. Bacillus subtilis is gram-positive bacteria that can disrupt germ tube growth and kill the fungus. 

As you saw, it contains bio compounds that’s why it is called bio fungicide and it is completely safe for the plants and environment.

The best part of this fungicide is; it acts as a systemic fungicide. That means the plant tissue absorbs the fungicide and keeps them in the plant cell. The fungicide kills the fungus If they try to develop.

And you can spray this fungicide on the fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, flowers, and houseplants up to the day of harvest to kill rust, powdery mildew, scab, mold, and other diseases caused by fungus.

Mix 4 tablespoons of fungicide into a gallon of water and spray until the leaves wet completely to protect the plant from cedar apple rust. Repeat the application after 7 days as you need.


4.Southern Ag – Liquid Copper Fungicide

Southern Ag - Liquid Copper FungicideSouthern Ag – Liquid Copper Fungicide is the best copper-based fungicide that can prevent and treat cedar apple rust on your plants. Let’s see how the copper can kill fungus and protect the plant from diseases-

This fungicide contains 27.15% Copper diammonia diacetate complex that Equivalent to 8% Metallic copper.

Now the question; How does copper work as a fungicide?

Copper fungicide creates a coat on the plant surface. The coating reacts with the moisture and releases copper ion to kill fungus and bacteria on plants.

This fungicide is an organic fungicide that can spray on ornamental and edible plants to kill fungal and bacterial diseases including rust, powdery mildew, black spot, apple scab, and canker.

To treat cedar apple rust-

Mix 4-5 tablespoons of copper fungicide into a gallon of water and spray on the plants thoroughly. Reapply after 7-10 days interval as needed.


5.Bonide 811 Copper 4E Fungicide

Bonide 811 Copper 4E FungicideHere is the another best copper-based fungal spray for cedar apple rust and other fungal diseases. It is a powerful fungicide for organic gardeners and it doesn’t contain any inorganic and harsh chemicals.

To prevent and treat fungal disease, it contains 10% Copper octanoate as an active ingredient and you can spray this fungicide to treat apple cedar rust, apple scab, sooty blotch, canker, and other listed diseases.

And you know; it is an organic fungicide. So, you can apply this fungicide to your edible fruits, vegetables, and flowers up to the day of harvest.

It comes with a concentrated formula and can be applied around pets and children.

Mix 2-4 tablespoons of fungicide into a gallon of fresh water and apply the plant to treat and prevent apple cedar rust. Repeat the application after 1 week.


6.Bonide (BND862) – Fungal Disease Control

Bonide (BND862) - Fungal Disease ControlBonide strikes again with another best fungicide for cedar apple rust. It is an inorganic fungicide but it doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals. So, you can pick this fungicide without any hesitation.

Mancozeb is the active ingredient of this fungicide. It is a powerful non-systemic fungicide that can kill fungus in contact and to control fungal diseases it has 37% Mancozeb.

Actually, Mancozeb is a mixture of maneb and zineb. And it disrupts lipid, adenosine triphosphate production, and respiration to treat fungal diseases like rust, blight, and scab.

You know; it is an inorganic fungicide but you don’t need to worry about safety. You can apply this fungicide as the best spray for apple trees, tomatoes, potatoes, roses, geraniums, grapes, and other vegetables, flowers, and ornamentals.

Mix 2 tablespoons of the Mancozeb fungicide into a gallon of water and spray on the vegetative parts of the plant. Spray again after 7-10 days to prevent and control cedar apple rust.


7.Daconil Fungicide Concentrate

Daconil Fungicide ConcentrateHere is Daconil fungicide for cedar apple rust. Daconil is the USA-made effective fungicide for fungal diseases of plants.

As the active ingredient, it has 29.6% chlorothalonil.chlorothalonil is the non-systemic fungicide that can safely be used on vegetables, fruits, and other edible plants to kill the fungus. Some people have doubts about their safety. But it is marked as safe for plants by USDA.

It works on fungus respiration and kills them. But the best part of this fungicide is; it can work in 3 ways; Control fungus, stop fungus from spreading, and provide future protection.

It comes in a concentrated formula. You need to dilute the solution before spraying on the plants to treat cedar apple rust and other listed diseases.

Mix 2-3 tablespoons of fungicide per gallon of water and spray on the affected plant to treat and prevent rust and other fungal diseases.


8.Dr. Earth 8007 Ready to Use Disease Control Fungicide

Dr. Earth 8007 Ready to Use Disease Control FungicideDr. Earth 8007 Fungicide is the best natural fungicide for fruit trees that can control cedar apple rust and other fungal diseases effectively. It is a handcrafted blend of some natural ingredients.

The active ingredients of the fungicide are  0.05% Rosemary oil,0.05% Clove oil,0.05% Peppermint oil. As you saw, all are the kitchen ingredients that just mix with a perfect ratio to treat rust, blight, powdery mildew, scab, and other diseases of fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

According to the active ingredients, it has no inorganic chemical that is also certified by OMRI.

The good news; It is available in Ready to Use formula with a hand trigger. To control cedar apple rust with this organic fungicide-Shake the container and pull the trigger to spray on the plants


What Are the Causes of Cedar Apple Rust?

The fungus is the cause of the cedar apple rust and the fungus is called Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae. The cedar-apple rust is mostly common for apple, crabapple, and juniper(cedar).

The most important thing about the cedar apple rust is; it needs two hosts to develop. That’s why the fungus moves from one host to another like cedar to apple.

Symptoms of Apple Cedar Rust

Symptoms on the Junipers

A few inches large brown gall develops on the trees and twigs. After a certain period of time, the gall swells and develops spurs that become orange in color.

Symptoms on the Apples and Crabapples

Galls also appear on apples and crabapples. Plus, circular yellow spots also develop on plants. Later, cylindrical tubes also appear on the yellow spots with hair that are brown in color.

How To Get Rid of Cedar Apple Rust?

Spraying preventive fungicide is the best way to get rid of cedar apple rust. So, if you want to rust-free apple and cedar plants, spray fungicide before developing the fungus. Also, you can follow some other methods to treat cedar apple rust.


Here is the list of some steps that you can follow to control cedar apple rust-

  1. Pick the resistant varieties to grow. Here is some cedar apple rust resistant varieties-Red free, Liberty, William’s Pride, Red Delicious, McIntosh, Arkansas Black, Winesap, Mollies Delicious, Spartan, Priscilla, Liberty,Empireand, Freedom
  2. Remove the fallen leaves regularly under the plants.
  3. Prune the plants a few inches below the galls.
  4. Don’t plant junipers near the apple and crabapple plants.
  5. Spray fungicide to kill the fungus.

When to Spray Apple Trees With Fungicide?

Prevention is the best way to get disease-free plants. So, to prevent fungal diseases, spray fungicide in late winter and early spring. Also, you have to spray fungicide if you notice any fungal disease symptoms on the plants. Before spraying fungicide on apple plants, follow the label directions strictly

Homemade Fungicide for Fruit Trees

Items Required:

  1. Baking soda
  2. Mild soap
  3. Water


  1. Mix 4 tablespoons baking soda and 1 tablespoon of mild soap into a gallon.
  2. Pour into a spray bottle, shake and spray on the plants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Cedar Apple Rust Dangerous to Humans?

Cedar apple rust can harm plants only. It can’t do any harm to humans. So, you don’t need to worry about your health because of cedar apple rust.

Does Cedar Apple Rust Kill Trees?

The cedar apple rust doesn’t kill the plant. It can kill the branches and leaves and reduce production.

How Much Liquid Copper Fungicide Per Gallon?

2-3 tablespoons liquid copper per gallon of water is enough to control cedar apple rust.

How to Treat Rust on Apple Plants Organically?

Spray organic fungicide that contains copper,Bacillus subtilis, and other home ingredients including baking soda, vinegar, and milk.


Cedar apple rust can damage the plant and reduce the yield. So, if you want rust-free plants, apply a fungicide.

Hope you picked the best fungicide for cedar-apple rust to protect your plants. Now spray on the plants by maintain the schedule and get the rust-free plants.

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